Post burn deformities can be devastating to the patient no matter what their age group. This is why they must be managed with urgency. The deformities can potentially kill, maim and lead to a large amount of pain. Superficial second degree burns as well as those of the first degree are burns of partial thickness which might heal without the requirement of skin grafting processes. This is because of the presence of healthy skin beneath the burn for healing the skin downwards to the top. Third degree burns or even the full thickness burns usually require skin grafting which helps in the restoration of skin coverage.
Patients that burn a large portion of their bodies often require more than a single trip to the operation theater for allowing the plastic surgeon to eliminate the nonviable skin and substitute it with the help of skin grafts. Once people get burned across the joints, these burns tend to recover through the tightening of the skin and by restricting the movement of the joints. This is known as joint contracture which takes place frequently in developing countries. The plastic surgeons at the Elegance Plastic Surgery Clinic provide reconstruction of burn injuries even with the skin grafting being provided and carried out on the patients.
The various combinations of skin flaps are used so as to provide added skin whenever it is needed by the patient for attaining best effects. The type of the scar depends on the burn. The process is known as a scar revision technique and is generally performed under general or local anesthesia. Some of the popular processes of scar revision include:
Laser Surgery
In the procedure, a variety of lasers are used for smoothening, flattening or eliminating abnormal discoloration on the external skin of the scar.
Surgical Elimination of the Keloid Tissue
This type of surgery at the Elegance Plastic Surgery Clinic eliminates the keloid tissue. A skin graft can be used for covering the region. The process of skin grafting is undertaken by having a part of the healthy skin from another part of the body which is known as the donor area and it is attached to the area of the surgery.
Skin Grafting
In this process, the damaged part of the skin is replaced with the help of skin which is taken from the healthy parts of the body. It is healthy skin.
Skin Flap Surgery
In this process the blood vessels and muscles are moved from a healthy region of the human body and placed on the injured site for best effects.
This is a process in which the scar is revised with an incision in Z shape for reducing the pull of the skin in the event of a contracture. The method can even be used for blending the scar in the natural folds and creases of the adjacent parts of the skin.
The various methods of post burn deformities are practiced at the Elegance Plastic Surgery Clinic. Book your appointment today for a consultation with our surgeons.
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