There has always been a certain stigma that has attached itself to hair transplants and baldness. Due to this stigma, patients have always shied away from getting hair transplant surgeries and have been condemned to live lives drenched in embarrassment and awkwardness However, due to the recent acceptance of hair loss being a natural phenomenon and certain celebrities coming forth with their hair transplant stories, hair transplantation is now a more widely accepted process. Thus, hair loss is no longer something to be ashamed of but Elegance Plastic Surgery provides the opportunity to get Male hair transplant in Karachi at an affordable price. Elegance Plastic Surgery provides hair transplant services for males through Follicular Unit Extraction or Follicular transfer – FUE in Karachi.
FUE is one of the two leading primary hair transplant procedures through which individuals can re-obtain hair follicles.
The FUE method essentially reverses male baldness patterns to the point that it becomes barely noticeable. FUE is a breakthrough innovation in the field of hair transplantation, and it has elevated the field of cosmetic/plastic surgery to realms that once seemed impossible.FUE has provided an opportunity for individuals to battle the mammoth that is hair loss through minimally invasive procedure.
Through FUE, a person who wants to no longer suffer from baldness can opt to get a full head of hair without the hassle of strip harvesting or having to deal with post-operation trauma and pain.
Process of Male Hair Transplant
The FUE method is generally less invasive and tends to be immensely simpler than its counterparts. Unlike the FUT method, it does not involve any sort of suturing and instead of relocating actual strips of hair, revolves around the transferring of hair follicles. First and foremost, the patient’s scalp is shaved, however we prefer to shave heads for this procedure, if someone doesn’t want to shave front hair we can do transplants in most of the cases. The FUE method involves taking every second hair graft from a specific donor zone, which results in lower yield from the donor area. Then the surgeon transfers the hair follicles to the incisions made on the scalp, where they are set down on certain angles that make the hair growth look natural and authentic.
The FUE method, although requires shorter sessions and less rigorous sittings, can take up to 8-10 hours of a patient’s time. During these tiresome hours, about 2000 hair follicles approx. will be transferred from the donor region to the receiving area. Depending on the patient and the outcome, however, one might require more than one sitting, which will in turn also affect the overall price of the process. During the procedure, the physician will remove up to one hair follicle, that is about 1-4 individual hair, whilst the patient is under the influence of local anesthesia. The extraction of these hair follicles involves the surgeon utilizing a micro-surgical extraction instrument which will ideally be between 0.6mm and 1.0mm. After this, the surgeon will use an instrument or perforating tools in order to make widespread incisions or punctures throughout the individual’s follicles receiving area.
Through the FUE method, the time period for post-operative recovery and the residuary discomfort or pain is tremendously decreased. FUE method works generally best for those who like to keep their hair short or for those who want a smaller area transplanted. Another benefit of the FUE method is that there is no linear scar, so the patients can easily keep their hair short, without having to worry that their procedure looks too obvious or can be noticed by others.
The sessions and the time spent at the surgery table is amazingly shorter for those in the early stages of hair loss. Since FUE is a less invasive process, the chance for visible scarring in the donor area is greatly decreased. Patients who have opted for FUE, can also easily shave their head and sport military hairstyles. It is also the best method for those who want to gain hair in the eyebrow, mustache or beard regions.
This method is generally preferred by many, due to its highly successful postoperative outcomes. Complications regarding this method are usually rare. Some patients even choose to have FUE transplants in order to conceal their previous FUT incisions. This method is also optimum for those who want to experience lesser downtime, as FUE method involves no stitches or scalpels, the patient does not need to wait for the operational wounds to heal and can go about their life as they normally would in just a number of days.
The complications of the FUE method are still pretty mild when compared to other methods. The FUE method might cause several white scars to appear which fades away with time, it might also result in cysts appearing on the donor region which are easily manageable. Sometimes there are minor chances of infection on the donor area or from where the grafts are extracted, which is easily controlled with the course of medications.
However, there is also a chance that the patient might start suffering from Folliculitis; Folliculitis is a condition that causes inflammation or infection of hair follicles and results in discomfort. Folliculitis is easily manageable and the surgeon will guide you through it. Some other complications include temporary itching on the patient’s scalp. In case these complications do occur, the individual must stay in touch or visit the plastic surgeon.
Generally, the recovery time for the FUE method is 2 to 3 days. The first results will be visible after about four months. But one must not expect hair to magically start growing after the recovery period. Like every medical procedure, hair growth also takes time. Therefore, in order to see the full-fledged results of this surgery one must wait an entire year (at the very least). It is in this time period, the post-operational consequences come into full view. Rarely the transplanted follicles might start to shrink, which might lead to shorter hair growth, in which case, a patient must opt for another transplant procedure. But in most cases, another surgery is not needed, as after reaching the 1-year mark, the aspired result is obtained.
Most people choose FUE over FUT, just because the healing time for the former is much lesser than the extremely invasive and permanently scarring FUT process. In order to hasten the recovery, most physicians recommend sleeping in a semi-sitting position, in order to lessen the impact on the scalp. Through this, the swelling of the receiving area (if any) reduces much faster and unable the patient from accidentally rubbing their scalp and causing infection. The patient must also avoid, scratching and touching the operated area in order to see a much faster recovery. Other than that the patient is also prescribed certain shampoos and medications which help reduce the period of recovery and postoperative pain or numbness.
FUE, however, is not meant for transplantation of larger areas and can cause scarring and thinning of hair. Unlike other methods, it’s impossible for doctors to go back for another surgery and remove linear scars, thus, numerous FUE operations generally conclude in numerous noticeable scars. The incisions made by the surgeon are generally spread across the scalp, and thus, there is no way to know certainly how the incisions might affect a patient’s overall appearance over time. As hair loss continues, the clinical appearance of an individual might not be what the patient aspired for. In order, to control this uncertainty, surgeons have to be extremely careful about the incisions that he has made in the receiving area and the number of follicles he has chosen to harvest from the donor area.
Thus it is entirely possible that, in an attempt to reach maximum density, doctors might accidentally cause more problems for the patient, i.e. severe thinning of hair follicles and the occurrence of see-through hair. One of the biggest risks that come hand in hand with FUE method is that after the surgery, follicular damage might occur. The success of the procedure largely depends upon the follicles or grafts that have been taken from the donor area and transplanted upon the receiving area however if the follicles are damaged it will result in them becoming unlikely to produce hair. A patient might ultimately have to suffer from a patchy, uneven or ‘moth-eaten’ hairline, which goes completely against the patient’s initial desired effect.
1. How much hair transplant cost in Karachi?
Cost varies between 70,000 to 200,000 depending on the requirement.
2. Will I be left with scarring after undergoing a hair transplant?
In FUT there is a linear scar due to strip method, however after FUE pointed scars are there due to punching which fades away with time and are hardly visible.
3. Will I feel pain during and after the transplant?
Bearable pain after the surgery which is easily manageable by medicines.
4. Will a hair transplant help me to grow new hair?
As your own hair follicles will be transplanted at the required area, so yes the same hair follicle will be grown in the desired area.
5. Will I continue to lose my natural hair after a hair transplant?
Loosing your previously present hair can be possible due to tendency in your genes. However the transplanted hair usually doesn’t fall.
6. How long will it be before I notice a difference after a hair transplant?
New hair starts showing after three to four months, however complete results are visible after 9 to 12 months.
7. How much time do I need to take off work?
One to two days
8. Will I need more than one hair transplant?
It depends on the requirement.
9. What is the most important consideration when patients considering a hair transplant?
That the results will be very close to natural hair however we can’t match the nature 100%.